Feed the Machine

Hitting the Business Fast Track - Accelerating with Amos Schwartzfarb

Episode Summary

In this episode, you will meet AMOS SCHWARTZFARB who is Managing Director of Techstars Austin, Author of Sell More Faster, and Start-up Strategist Extraordinaire. Listen in as Feed the Machine explores why founders and entrepreneurs across the globe have been seeking out the 90 Day Business Accelerator led by Amos. This captivating discussion also includes what led Amos to write his fast paced, intellectually tactical, and highly impactful book, "Sell More Faster"...and even touches on the fun little topic of "Imposter Syndrome" which many of us can identify with. (And Overcome Instantly) Enjoy this interchange of ideas, and please know that to learn more about Amos and Techstars you can visit: https://www.techstars.com/programs/austin-program/ Want to order a copy of Amos's Book? https://www.amazon.com/dp/1119597803/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_XYP3DbP5JQRRX

Episode Notes

In this episode, you will meet AMOS SCHWARTZFARB who is Managing Director of Techstars Austin, Author of Sell More Faster, and Start-up Strategist Extraordinaire.  Listen in as Feed the Machine explores why founders and entrepreneurs across the globe have been seeking out the 90 Day Business Accelerator led by Amos.  

This captivating discussion also includes what led Amos to write his fast paced, intellectually tactical, and highly impactful book, "Sell More Faster"...and even touches on the fun little topic of "Imposter Syndrome" which many of us can identify with. (And Overcome Instantly)

Enjoy this interchange of ideas, and please know that to learn more about Amos and Techstars you can visit:  https://www.techstars.com/programs/austin-program/

Want to order a copy of Amos's Book?  
